Governing Body
The Make Up Of The Saint John Henry Newman Governing Body
The functions of the Governing Body are determined by Instrument of Government, a legal document which determines the ‘modus operandi’ of our Governing Body.
- There are 6 Foundation Governors (vacancy for 2 Foundation Governor)
As a Catholic School, these comprise the majority of the Governing Body. The elected Chair of the Governing Body must always, under the Articles of Instruments of Government, be a Foundation Governor.
- There are currently 2 Parent Governors. These Governors must have a child in the School at the time they are openly elected by parents. Governors have a Returning Officer who conducts the election, either at a time of Reconstitution or after a Parent Governor steps down.
- There are 2 Staff Governors, one Teacher Governor one Non Teacher Governor.
- The Headteacher is also a Governor.
Once in post, each Governor is required to function fully as a member of the Governing Body in its role and function. No Governor is there to represent a special group e.g. a Parent Governor is not appointed to become ‘the voice’ or the ‘ears’ of groups of parents.
Governors are normally elected or appointed to serve a term of 3 or 4 years, and can remain on the Governing Body for three terms of office (a maximum of 12 years). It would be impractical for all Governors to be appointed/elected so that their terms of office all come to an end at the same time for obvious reasons. Under the most recent reconstitution Governors were appointed to serve varying years of service.
At The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School, the Deputy Headteacher(s) and Extended Leadership Team are invited to all Governing Body Meetings. This enables Governors to have full access to the Extended Leadership Team and allows leaders to present their areas of accountability directly to Governors. The Deputy Headteachers are co-opted, which enables them to take part in discussions but not to vote other than in the various committees established by the Governing Body.
The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School is a member of the Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust and converted to Academy status in March 2012. Information about DoWAT can be found by clicking here
The Trust Board receives regular reports as to the school’s progress in key areas, including pupil performance, risk assessments, financial audits and staff development.
Meet our Governors
Foundation Governor - Chair
Philip Farr
From 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025
Following the retirement of Kieran Halpenny as our Chair, I have been privileged to take on the role of Chair of Governors from 9th September 2024.
I have been a Foundation Governor at The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School since 2017 and the Vice-Chair since 2023. A former student of the school between 1990 and 1997, I went on to complete a Law degree at Durham and then Bar School in Nottingham. Since then, I have practised exclusively as a criminal barrister across London and the South East.
I have 3 children currently at the school and in my spare time enjoy cycling and watching sport. I also hold other community roles, including serving as a local councillor and sitting on the committee of a not-for-profit housing association.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
- Finance & General Purpose
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
- Admissions
Link Governor EDI
Parent Governor - Vice Chair
Mike Treffry
From 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
Due to the current Vice-Chair Philip Farr accepting the role of Chair of Governors I am delighted to have been nominated to the role of Vice-Chair from 9th September 2024.
I joined the governing body in September 2022 as a parent governor and my eldest son is currently in Year 9. In my role as a governor, I am chair of the Safeguarding, Safety and Staff committee, and a member of the Finance and General Purpose committee. I act as link governor for safeguarding and cyber security,
I currently work as Operations Director for the Woodhall Estate in Hertford. Previously I spent 23 years in the British Army, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Career highlights include being Defence Attaché to New Zealand and the Pacific islands, commanding a counter-IED search squadron, and Head of Leadership at the Royal School of Military Engineering.
I hold a BA(Hons) in Outdoor Education from Lancaster University, a post graduate certificate in Leadership Studies from the University of Exeter, and an MBA from Cranfield University. I am a Chartered Fellow of Chartered Management Institute.
Outside of work and family time, I enjoy all outdoor activities including climbing and mountaineering. I have resided in Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand, and USA. Over the course of my military career, I deployed to and visited 40+ countries.
- Returning Officer
- Finance & General Purpose
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff - Chair
- Admissions
Link Governor - Safeguarding, Health & Safety
Foundation Governor
Claire Angus
From 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
I joined the governing body at The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School as a Foundation Governor in September 2022. I am currently the link governor for disadvantaged students.
I am a former student of the school, attending between 1988 – 1995, before I went off to study psychology at university in London.
Professionally, I am Director of Membership Services at the Royal College of Podiatry where I am responsible for leading, development and implementing the organisation’s membership support, employment support and professional support strategies.
I am also a Trustee and Treasurer for the Welwyn & Hatfield Women’s Refuge.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
- Finance & General Purpose - Chair
Link Governor - CEIAG, Disadvantaged
Foundation Governor
Emma Dunsire
From 01.03.2024 - 31.08.2027
I joined JHN’s Governing Body as a Foundation Governor in March 2024.
I have been working for the Diocese of Westminster for the past three years as Parish Administrator of the Letchworth Parish of St Hugh of Lincoln. I have also been a First Holy Communion Lead Catechist for the last seven years which is a role I find hugely rewarding.
Prior to my post at St Hugh, I have worked in the fashion industry as Head Buyer and Area Manager for an Independent retailer based in London and Windsor for many years. I have also freelanced as a journalist and academic research.
Academically, my background is in the Humanities, with a degree in English Literature, specialising in Critical Theory, and a MA in Modern Philosophy.
I like to be an active member of my community and I strongly believe in social engagement. From September 2024, my eldest child will join the school as a pupil.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
Link Governor - Spiritual Life of the School
Foundation Governor
Mario Ilde Velasco Bueno
From 01.01.2024 - 31.08.2027
I am a Husband and Father.
I am a first time governor who just joined at the beginning of 2024. I am looking forward to contributing to this Catholic Community.
Spanish Lawyer and English Solicitor focussing on data protection, with experience in multi-national companies in different sectors like Education, Gaming or Fintech.
Co-founder of an EnergyTech start-up in the USLatam.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
- Finance & General Purpose
Link Governor - Staff Wellbeing, Cyber Security
Foundation Governor
Mary Price
1/11/2024 – 31/8/2028
I joined The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2019 and have been a Foundation Governor since 2020. Educated at St. Michael’s Catholic Grammar School in Finchley, I went on to read Education at Cambridge. My career has spanned both state and independent sectors, and I am currently employed as an Education Advisor specialising in maths. I also hold the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies.
My daughter has passed (very happily) through the school, so it is fitting that I should continue to support where I can. My spare time is spent attending equestrian events, playing tennis, reading crime novels, and watching sport. I am also an active member of the Graveley Village Association.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
Link Governor - Sixth Form
Foundation Governor
Jane Perry
1/5/2024 – 31/8/2027
I joined as a Foundation Governor at The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School in September 2024.
However, my association with the school dates back to 1999 when the oldest of my own children transitioned into to JHN from a local catholic primary school. My professional relationship with JHN School dates back still further as I taught in two local catholic primary schools which both fed into JHN school.
Recently retired, I have worked in primary education for almost 40 years and served as Headteacher of another school within the Diocese of Westminster Academy Trust.
I have always been impressed by the quality of provision with JHN School and am pleased to be able to contribute to the ongoing success of this special community.
I also serve as a Eucharistic Minister at St Hugh of Lincoln Church and as a Trustee of the Letchworth Heritage Foundation.
- Safeguarding, Safety & Staff
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Link Governor - Behaviour & Attendance
Foundation Governor
Felicity Corcoran
Link Governor - tbc
Foundation Governor
Anne Cunningham
Link Governor - tbc
Co-opt Governor
Marijana Evans
1/6/2024 – 30.5.2028
I became a governor at The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School after seeing the position advertised in my parish newsletter. With thirteen years of experience in primary education and having served as a parent governor at my child's primary school, I consider it both a privilege and a calling to contribute to the Catholic education of our youth, assisting the school in guiding the pupils to grow into the individuals God intended them to be.
My academic background is in Food Science, and prior to my transition into education, I worked in the food industry. I am also actively engaged in my parish, focusing on children's and family ministry, while striving to foster a strong and supportive community.
In my spare time, I volunteer with a local toddler group and enjoy singing in a choir. This September, my eldest child started his journey at the school.
- tbc
Link Governor - tbc
Co-opt Governor
Kelly Donkor
1/6/2024 – 30.5.2028
- tbc
Link Governor - tbc
Priest Governor
Father Adams
1/9/2024 – 31.8/2028
Parent Governor
Kate Corney
From 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
I took on the role of parent governor in 2022 to support and serve the Saint John Henry Newman school, which my son had recently joined. I sit on the full committee and the Teaching and Learning committee. Being part of the SJHN Governor team gives me the opportunity to support education and faith in our community, which I believe are the most valuable and important gifts we can give our children. It's my pleasure to work with the team at SJHN as it strives to improve its learning offering across the school with dedication and devotion.
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Link Governor - SEND
Staff Governor (non teaching)
Dawn Moran
From 05.10.2020 - 04.10.2024
- Finance & General Purpose
Staff Governor (teaching)
Charlie Belt
From 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2027
- Curriculum, Teaching & Learning
Contacting the Governors:
Queries about the management of The Saint John Henry Newman School and the progress of any individual child should be directed in the first instance to the school via the usual channels. However if you have any queries for the governors, please email:
Mrs Radcliffe, as Clerk to the Governors will pass on your query.