Professional Development
Our vision for all staff – The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School is a loving school at the heart of the catholic community where all commit to and enjoy supporting each other in successful pursuit of excellence.
We are committed to the continuing professional development of all staff, both teaching and non-teaching, and provide a wealth of opportunities to achieve this aim.
ITT – The Saint John Henry Newman has a long history of working with local ITT providers to support cohorts of trainee teachers to gain QTS and PGCE, many of whom go on to develop successful careers at the school. The School Direct Training scheme offers school-based PGCE training for those wishing to be based in The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School. We work with Stevenage Partnership based at The Nobel School. Candidates can specify The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School as their first choice of school when they apply. We also work closely with the University of Hertfordshire, University of St Marys and the University of Bedfordshire and every year offer training placements to trainee teachers on University-based PGCE courses. More information about teacher training can be found -
ECT – The school has a strong and established programme for inducting ECTs (previously called NQTs) including a new staff day in July, weekly mentor meetings, in school training sessions focused on the bespoke needs of our ECTs and a supportive ECF programme with face to face meetings in Stevenage led by experienced local teachers including from SJHN.
NPQ – The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School supports teachers to partake in the specialised National Professional Qualifications (Leading Teaching, Leading Literacy, Leading teacher Development, Leading Behaviour and Culture), NPQSL and NPQH. We have three members of the Leadership Team who work in partnership with DOWAT and Chiltern Teaching Schools Hub to deliver the NPQs.
Support staff – Professional development for Support staff can be very bespoke to their role, experience and qualifications. We actively encourage all staff to develop their career. In recent years, we have supported staff in IT and Finance apprenticeships and accountancy, HLTA (Higher level Teaching Assistant) and counselling qualifications, as well as training in behaviour support, wellbeing, and supporting students with specialised needs, health and safety and First Aid.
Performance Management – Performance Management at The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School is an essential part of professional development as everyone has the opportunity to reflect, plan and explore their professional development.