
Parent Resources

Help4Parent contact details

Arbor Text & Email messaging service
Satchel One Parents Guide - Homework service
Go 4 Schools Online Assessment & Reporting System

Free School Meals

Information on eligibility and how to apply 
Online Safety Please see our dedicated page for further information
Families First If your family needs extra support and you don’t know where to turn, you may find that the Families First directory can provide you with links to some helpful organisations.
Family Lives  Confidential, supportive, non judgemental advice about all apects of family life 
T: 0808 800 2222
Frank Free confidential helpline for parents and teens who need advice on drugs and alcohol
T: 0300 123 6600 (24 hours)
Herts Family Service Directory Local information on a wide variety of services and activities for children, young people and their families
educate against hate Practical advice and support to help all individuals with an interest in keeping children safe from the dangers of extremism
NSPCC Charity specialising in child protection and dedicated to the fight for every childhood


Families First A4 Website Poster

The links above are to external sites which are intended to aid & support the user. It should be noted that the views and opinions given by these external sites do not necessarily reflect those of The Saint John Henry Newman Catholic School.