
Pupil Support

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At The Saint John Henry Newman School we see conversations as being at the heart of school life.  The extensive mentoring programme allows this to happen between staff, students and pupils from all year groups.

In Year 7 you will be assigned a Year 12 Mentor who will meet with you every other week through the whole of your first year at school.  Your mentor will help to smooth your transition to secondary school and encourage you to become involved in school life.

In Years 9 and 10 you may be mentored by our fully trained staff mentors, who will assist you in achieving your full potential in all areas of school life, both academic and enrichment.

In Year 11 you will either be mentored by our full time learning mentor or by a Year 13 mentor.  Both of these programmes are designed to help your flourish in Year 11 and fully equip you to make informed decisions about your future.

We run in depth training days for Year 12 and Year 13 students wishing to become mentors to Year 7 and Year 11 pupils.  The experience of following a structured training programme and mentoring on a weekly basis builds a very useful set of skills which can be drawn upon as our Sixth Formers start to prepare themeselves for leaving the school and entering the next stages in their lives.

Some of our pupil's views on mentoring;

“Helps to build your confidence”

“Gives you the desire to improve your grades”

“There to support not judge”

“Makes you want to challenge yourself to reach your full potential”