
Business image

Curriculum Statement: Business

'There’s no shortage of remarkable ideas, what’s missing is the will to execute them.' – Seth Godin

Powerful Knowledge in Business

Business is about empowering an individual to believe in their own innovative and creative abilities. In the JHN business department we understand that each learner is unique and we aim to engage not only with our curriculum but the wider world. We strive to encourage our students to be strong business leaders and equip them with entrepreneurial skills such as willingness to take risks in business and the drive to meet their goals. Business on a global scale is changing every year with technology influence, political changes to ethical practises, it is more important now than ever before to equip our students with business knowledge and confidence to take the world by storm and become the dragons of tomorrow. Give our students the confidence to use their innovative.   Our curriculum aims to empower understand the challenges of the dynamic business world and how different sectors of business interact. Students should be able to consider the actions of a Business and evaluate the ethics of these against their own Christian Identity. Students should develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, team work and communication that will support them throughout their school life and beyond.  

Whether students want to on leaving school, start their own Business or work for an existing Business, we hope to build on the students own entrepreneurial characteristics to enable them to excel in a variety of business environments.  

Our aim is to encourage students to know a wide range of different business elements to support the career path they may choose. We do this through our spiral curriculum which focuses on the main areas of Business Finance, Ownership, Competition, Stakeholders, Marketing/Branding/Adding Value and Business Ethics. 

Curriculum features  

All learners are encouraged to explore their entrepreneurial characteristics they have by being challenged to individual and group projects and are encouraged to take ownership of their learning, bridging the gap between school and the wider business world. Students are encouraged through activities in the classroom to take calculated risks and be able to learn from their successes and mistakes. The students will be provided with opportunities to link the theoretical concepts and work as a team to perform Business related tasks.  

Learners are tasked with independent mathematical and analytical challenges, which enable them to delve deeper into their core understanding of how businesses operate, whilst gaining a wider insight into how external factors such as technology, economic and social factors and business morals influence the decisions businesses make.  

Co Curricular experiences 

Students are offered a wide variety of opportunities and experiences that widen their appreciation of business and the world around it.  These include:  

  • Student Investor challenge enables students to practice investing in stocks and shares and understand how external factors influence a business and its share price. 

  • Educational visits to a variety of business locations to see business in practice  

  • Students lead and organise various events using their prior business knowledge to gain recognition for their enthusiasm for the subject e.g. Saints Fest and School Discos. 

  • External speakers are invited into the classroom to share their knowledge and inspire learners. 

  • Industry speakers 

  • Students to take part in opportunities to run stalls for year group charities and work with keystage 3 year groups sharing their knowledge 

What follows is a current summary of the intended subject curriculum content in each year of the key stage.  It highlights the key knowledge and skills intended for learning, and some of the ways progress in the curriculum is to be assessed.  It clarifies the key questions students should be addressing and gives links to help students and families to develop this learning further.

GCSE Business Year 10

GCSE Business Year 11

A LEVEL Business Year 12

A LEVEL Business Year 13